Apply " " Apply for a study. Fill out this form and a coordinator will contact you within 48 hours to see if you qualify for a study. Study Application Form First Name Last Name Email Phone/Mobile Travel agreement Are you willing and able to commute to Lakeland (33813) for all study visits?YesNoGood Time to Call Good Time to CallMorningAfternoonEveningAnytimeStudy Application For: What study would you like to apply for?AsthmaCrohn’s DiseasePediatric MigraineUlcerative ColitisMy Illness Is Not ListedAre you regularly using inhaled steroids? (Example - Advair, AirDuo Respiclick, Breo Ellipta, Dulera, or Symbicort) Yes NoHave you had a physician diagnosed asthma for at least 1 year? Yes NoDo you smoke? Yes NoHow often do you use your rescue inhaler? Do you have any other serious respiratory issues? (Example – COPD, Bronchiestasis, Tuberculosis) Yes NoHave you been diagnosed with CD for at least 3 months? Yes NoHave you had an inadequate response or intolerance to conventional treatment? Yes No I'm Not Sure(Aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, biologics)Do you currently have symptoms defined by rectal bleeding and increased stool frequency? Yes No I'm Not SureDoes your child have 2 or less bowel movements a week? Yes No I'm Not SureAre you willing to stop your child’s current laxative/enema treatment? Yes NoDoes your child have celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or a cow milk allergy? Yes No I'm Not SureDoes your child have a history of migraines for at least 6 months? Yes No I'm Not SureDoes your child have 1-14 migraines a month? Yes No I'm Not SureHas your child tried at least one oral medication for treatment? Yes NoHave you been diagnosed with UC for at least 3 months? Yes NoHave you had an inadequate response or intolerance to conventional treatment? Yes No I'm Not SureAminosalicylates, corticosteroids, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, biologicsDo you currently have symptoms defined by rectal bleeding and increased stool frequency? Yes No I'm Not SureWhat illnesses do you have that you are willing to participate in a clinical trial for? I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy I agree to be contacted by Auzmer ResearchApply Now